A unique concept for a unique competition!

This competition is the result of my passion.
As some know me and others do not, I will quickly introduce myself.
My name is Elodie Padovani, manager of the studio Pole Dance Stars in Gigean in the Hérault, I organized in 2017 the Artistic Pole Fitness competition Occitan region and the interregional championship of Pole Dance Sud, qualification to the French championship of Pole Dance FFD in 2018 with my former collaborator.

I practice Pole Dance since late 2007 and I opened my studio in late 2011.
In 2015, I started my first competitions in DUO with my partner Sandrine Taravel with whom we finish 3rd in the French Championship IPSF which qualifies us for the IPSF world championship of LONDON to finish 14th. In the same year, we finish 2nd at the European Pole Art of Zagreb in Croatia.
In 2016, with my new partner, we finished 1st, French Champion FFD Elite
In 2018, I discovered North Carolina with the PSO competition and finished in 4th place PRO Category
In 2019, I finished 2nd at Leen Pole Classic which took place in Nice.

In short, a nice little course of which I am proud, passionate about Pole since always, I like to evolve our discipline and to share moments with other athletes.
That's why today I decided to organize my own competition and give you the opportunity to express yourself on these different categories.
Open to all Europe !!
Open applications until February 23!
Qualified athletes will be announced on Sunday, February 29!



Competitors must hand over the day of the competition:
- A medical certificate of no contraindications to the practice of Pole Dance,
- A certificate of civil liability that covers it during the event (a certificate per athlete),
- Present an ID or passport and give a photocopy.

Any incomplete file will be refused, the athlete will not be able to compete without any recourse or refund of the expenses incurred.

  • Image rights: each competitor registering and participating in the competition abandons their right to the image whatever the commercial or promotional purposes of the discipline. Athletes agree to be interviewed, filmed and photographed before, during and / or after the competition.
  • Classification: the ranking will be established by the scouting member according to the scores obtained, with a gold medal awarded for the 1st, a silver medal for the second and a bronze medal for the third. The title can only be awarded if at least two competitors are registered in the same category.
  • Registration: Athletes have the obligation to present themselves at the scheduled registration time which will be communicated to them in advance and posted on the website www.europeenpolewithme.fr.
  • Insurance: Athletes participate in the European Pole With Me competition at their own risk. Any injury or accident that may occur is the responsibility of the athlete and not the organizer or the association Pole Dance Stars. All athletes must provide proof of personal accident insurance (CR) that covers them for the duration of the competition.
  • Dress: Athletes must have proper attire outside the dressing rooms. It is strictly forbidden to cross the room in Pole outfit or in stage dress, or to go out in undress under risk of a penalty of - 2 points.
  • If an athlete in the Double or Group category is injured before the competition, and is unable to participate (even with the support of a medical certificate), no partner replacement will be allowed. The Duo or Group will be obliged to withdraw without any recourse or reimbursement of expenses incurred. In the case of the group, he can if he wishes, still participate without being penalized.

The "1st" winners of each category will be invited if they wish, to present their choreography at the show SHOW MUST GO ONE Sunday, May 24, 2020



  • Musical choice: Competitors can freely choose their musical accompaniment, which can be a montage of different pieces of various artists, or a single piece. The complete performance must last at least three minutes (3 minutes) and at most 3 minutes 30 minutes (4 minutes) depending on the categories. A short duration, close to three minutes will not be penalizing. The originality of the musical choice and the harmony between the choreography and the music will be particularly appreciated. Time will be counted from starting the music or setting the athlete in motion if he starts without music. MP3 music format to send to poleavecmoi.musique@gmail.com.

Each athlete is required to bring a USB key to the event with a backup copy of their music. The USB should contain only your piece of music, and should not contain other files. The key must be tagged with the athlete's name and the category in which he competes. This allows a quick recovery in case of technical problems with the file of the original song. The USB must be kept behind the scenes with you at all times. In case of technical problems, the scene manager will ask you.

Any delay in sending by music will be penalized and may lead to disqualification. No changes can be made after sending your music, so be careful.
Athletes will have to send their renowned music on behalf of the athlete + category (ex: Elodie Padovani, Strong Women Semi-pro) in MP3 format before April 26, 2020 to poleavecommoi.musique@gmail.com

Any delay will result in a penalty of 1 point / days. Beyond 7 days, the candidate will be disqualified.
Any music sent and not renamed on behalf of the athlete & Category will result in a penalty of 2 points.

  • Costume: The costume can be simple or even understated, but there must be a costume because it is an integral part of the presentation during the performance and will be part of your score! Moreover, the adequacy between this costume and the general expression during the performance will be taken into account by the jury in the note "presentation".
    Skirts and dresses are allowed. Transparencies in the costume are allowed as long as they do not affect the chest, buttocks or the pubic area. The nudity of these same areas (except the chest for men) during the performance will result in the immediate disqualification of the competitor. For the same reason, strings or "bikini bottoms" are forbidden unless they are "shorty" style out of "So Sexy So Pretty Exotic" category. The shorty must cover all the buttocks so we avoid shorty Badkitty.
    The bras and tops of bra type, if they are sufficiently covering and opaque, are accepted. Pants and leggings, boots and shoes rising above the ankle, as well as clothing made of leather, imitation leather or vinyl (as well as rubber, latex, PVC ...) are prohibited because they give a definite advantage in terms of taken on the bar, compared to other candidates. For the same reason, gloves and mittens are forbidden, except possibly for cases of significant and proven hyperhidrosis of the hands, attested by a medical certificate.
    The use of adhesive tape or special glue to keep the garment in place during the whole show is recommended.
  • Accessories: You are entitled to the accessories provided that it takes no more than 1 minute of installation and that it does not require any attachment on the structure.
    You can use 1 or more accessories (cap, hat, wand, chair) but no material will be provided. It must not damage the stage mat.
    Jewelry and piercing are proscribed for security reasons, accessories are allowed.
    It is also possible to remove a single item of costume during the performance, provided that the entire remaining costume remains perfectly decent, and continues to meet the stated criteria.
  • Footwear: Competitors may perform their performance barefoot or semi-spike / spikes allowed with the exception of the category "So Sexy So Pretty Exotic" which they have obligation to exercise on heels. Be careful, boots are forbidden, because of the advantage they provide in terms of grip. No seizing shoes or heels are allowed in other categories except Exotic or Pole Flow.

Costume too short or unsuitable: -1 to -3
Intimate part apparent on figures: -3 to disqualification of the candidate
Wearing unauthorized shoes: disqualification



During your visit, it is strictly forbidden to sing. In all categories, the sequence of dance movements will have to be incorporated so as to have fluid transitions, spins and tricks, a Floorwork floor passage, as well as poses at the bar and danced parts. . The elegance and fluidity of each figure, as well as the grace of the choreography will be decisive for the notation. The artistic interpretation will have to agree with the music and the rhythm of it. Flexibility, breadth and precision in the movement will have to be highlighted in the transitions as well as in the tricks and spins themselves. The judges will evaluate the athlete's ability to convey emotions and expression through the movement as well as their scenic expression.

The duo and groups will also be noted on the synchronization with the partner (s), the diversity of the figures realized in duo or in several (figure of balance, figure of aerobatics with one or the two athletes in contact with the bar, parallel synchronized figure , synchronized figure crisscrossed or balance ...)

  • Categories: The different categories will be noted in different ways, remember that in all categories, the costume is very important. "
  • The "tricks" or figures at the helm: The originality in the combination of tricks and spins on and around the bar as well as the variety of figures and their level of difficulty (especially in terms of strength, flexibility, agility, balance ... ) will be taken into account as well as the competence level of the competitors and their control.
  • Bars: 6 poles will be on the stage during the competition, two forward and four backward staggered.
    In the solo and duet categories, the right bar (public face) is static and the left bar (public face) is in spin mode. The bars will be of diameter 45 and will be spaced from approximately 3 to 3.5 meters for the poles of front and 1m50 for those of rear on a height of 3M50.
    For groups, you will have the choice of bars if spinning or static but to specify when sending your music.
  • Scene: the scene is large, about 10 meters wide and 7 meters deep. The scene is not high but the audience. The room is air-conditioned with lodges at the back of the stage equipped with toilets and showers, and a free space will be available to the athletes in waiting which is in front of the theater. One person will be in charge of calling the candidates to join the dressing rooms of the stage. Only the candidates concerned as well as their coach will have access to the boxes of the stage.

It is strictly forbidden to touch or cling to the structure during the performance. Failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification.



The "European Pole With Me" competition has two levels in certain categories.

  • Amateur: athlete who does not teach pole, who has never competed in semi-pro or pro categories, who has never been on an amateur podium, semi-pro / pro of any competition, practices the pole for less than 5 years and has no past gymnast. The organizers as well as the judges will be able to decide at any time to change your category if your level seems to them superior to the amateur category.
    PROHIBITIONS: Re-grip, Air lift, Dead lift, Flip On or Flip Out with contact or contactless, Fonji or Baby fonji, Twisted Grip and Elbow reverse grip, Aysha and Handspring
  • Semi-Pro / Pro: Athlete who teaches pole OR who has previously competed in semi-pro or pro / OU categories who has won a podium in an Amateur / Semi-pro or Pro competition OR who has a history of Gymnast / or who has been practicing for more than 5 years.

5. GRIPS & MAGNESIES: Some products based on magnesia, powder and lotion, allowing a better grip by reducing perspiration, especially in the hands, are allowed (grip aid). Here is the complete list: Dry Grip, Dry Hands, Mighty Grip, Ebonite, Lupit grip, X-dry and Itac. No glue or resin is allowed, only the athletes will seize their bars if they wish but in no case, the pole cleaner will do it for you to avoid any problems. Itac should be put well in advance for better efficiency and dry to avoid slipping.

Prohibited stick Failure to respect this rule will lead to the immediate disqualification of the offending competitor. The jewels and piercing are proscribed for security reasons, the accessories are authorized (table, chair, hat, glasses, boa, tie, cape, cane, jacket, cage ...) with only one accessory per candidate and of a quick installation (1 minutes). It is also possible to remove a single item of costume during the performance, provided that the entire remaining costume remains perfectly decent, and continues to meet the stated criteria.




Category "Make me dream"

Make me dream "pole with me" The category "Make me dream" represents the dance side of the pole. This category will be judged largely on the artistic side 60% (fluidity, emotion, sharing, costume, choreographic coherence, transmission with the public ...) but also technical 40%.
The goal is to dream and transport the public and judges in a magical world.
Let us travel through your choreography in a parallel world and make us dream.

Distribution of points:
60% artistic (choreography, musicality, costume ...)
40% difficulty tricks & spins / difficulty of combinations / technique

Obligations and prohibitions of this category:

Athletes must evolve on Static and spinning and must have a floorwork.
Half-spikes or points are tolerated but no matter of type simili or plastic will be tolerated.

  • Amateur: athlete who does not teach OU, who has never competed in semi-pro or pro categories, OR has never been on an amateur, semi-pro / pro podium of any competition, has been on pole for less than 5 years and has no past as a gymnast.

PROHIBITIONS: Re-grip, Dead lift air, Dead lift, Flip On or Flip Out with contact or contactless, Fonji or Baby fonji, Twisted Grip and Elbow reverse grip, Aysha and Handspring

  • Semi-Pro / Pro: Athlete who teaches pole OR who has previously competed in semi-pro or pro / OU categories who has won a podium in an Amateur / Semi-pro or Pro competition OR who has a history of Gymnast / or who has been practicing for more than 5 years.


Category "Strong Women"

Strong Women "pole with me" The "Strong Women" category represents the gym and strength of the pole. It will be judged largely on the difficulty of Tricks & Spins and the difficulty of combinations. It allows athletes to focus on the strength and technique of figures and combinations and show their expertise. The secret of the force remains in the will, then, that the force is with you.

Distribution of points:
60% Technique (difficulty tricks & spins / difficulty of combinations / technique)
40% artistic (choreography, musicality, costume ...)

Obligations and prohibitions of this category:

Athletes must evolve on Static and spinning and must have a floorwork.
Athletes are required to be barefoot and no shoes or half-points will be tolerated.


  • Amateur: athlete who does not teach OU, who has never competed in semi-pro or pro categories, OR has never been on an amateur, semi-pro / pro podium of any competition, has been on pole for less than 5 years and has no past as a gymnast.

PROHIBITIONS: Re-grip, Air lift, dead lift, Flip On or Flip Out with contact or contactless, Fonji or Baby fonji, Twisted Grip and Elbow reverse grip, Aysha and Handspring

  • Semi-Pro / Pro: Athlete who teaches pole OR who has previously competed in semi-pro or pro / OU categories who has won a podium in an Amateur / Semi-pro or Pro competition OR who has a history of Gymnast / or who has been practicing for more than 5 years.


Qualifications rules


Last edited: 13/06/2024